URP and GPU instancing & MPB

Tested with: 2020.1.0b16.4138 + URP 9.0.0-preview.38, Windows DX11

Objects with same material & same property values

SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing OFF
SRP batched
SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing ON
SRP batched
(because if SRP batcher is ON, gpu instancing will be ignored)
SRP batcher OFF
material GPU instancing ON
GPU instanced

Objects with different material & different property values

SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing OFF
SRP batched
SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing ON
SRP batched
(because if SRP batcher is ON, gpu instancing will be ignored)
SRP batcher OFF
material GPU instancing ON
Not batched nor instanced
(expected because they are different materials)

Objects with same material & different property values set by MaterialPropertyBlock

SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing OFF
Not batched nor instanced
(because MPB values are not same)
SRP batcher ON
material GPU instancing ON
Not batched nor instanced
(same as above)
SRP batcher OFF
material GPU instancing ON
Not batched nor instanced
(because properties are non-instanced)

According to Unity Documentation about GPU instancing, user can use MaterialProperyBlock to have different material properties for each instances.
Apparently the test showed that this is not true anymore in Universal Render Pipeline.


URP shader properties are all wrapped by SRP batcher macros “CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)”.
GPU instancing need to use this macro “UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_START(MyProps)”


Continue reading “URP and GPU instancing & MPB”

[Custom SRP] How to use Unity features?


If you are using 2019.1+, you might notice there is a big change to the SRP APIs.
I’ve created a new repository and you can grab here. Much cleaner and minimal.




May-14-2018 gif

Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at 22.16.24

SRPFlowScreen Shot 2018-05-12 at 18.52.43

(My playground pipeline)

Here lists out exact what codes enable the Unity feature when making our custom SRP.

*Note that my codes may not be perfectly optimised, but the concept itself won’t change.
(!) Alert: Below information might be outdated. I stopped updating this note after 2018.x releases.

icon_script In pipeline code
icon_shader In shader code
✅ Doesn’t need to specifically care about it in codes. Write the codes as usual.

Continue reading “[Custom SRP] How to use Unity features?”